Z’s Scheme of Work

Jul 8, 2020 | SEND

Z’s Scheme of Work
20.7.20 – 21.8.20

 Tutors: Mr Maeen Pasha and Mrs Kusu Biti

Deputy Headteacher: Dr Ornette D Clennon

SubjectScheme of WorkActivitiesLeaning Outcomes


Weeks 1 and 2

Baseline Assessment & Area / Perimeter of Regular Shapes

To determine Z’s current mathematics ability in regards to area and perimeter.

To cover the basics of area and perimeter for regular polygons.

Dyscalculia Test: result see here.

Games and quizzes

Resource used https://play.kahoot.it/v2/?quizId=31b3eb96-5c7f-40b0-9d99-04fc71999184

To be able to find the perimeter of compound shapes.
Chemistry Weeks 1 and 2

Determine Z’s current understanding of the metal oxides topic

Games and quizzes

Resource used Metal Oxides Test


Maths Week 3

Consolidate work on Area and Perimeter

Introduction to Averages and Range

Games and quizzes

Maths quiz https://www.cgpbooks.co.uk/resources/cgp-s-free-online-10-minute-tests/free-ks3-maths-online-10-minute-tests

Result: 42%

Kahoot Game


Result: 33%

To identify the averages and range
Chemistry Week 3

Consolidate Metal Oxides (OILRIG)

Games and quizzes

Resource used https://gradegorilla.com/chemistry/KS3/reactions/LSreactions1.php

To be able to identify what consolidate metal oxides are

To be able to identify how metals are extracted

To be able to identify what metal are used for

Maths Week 4

Continue working with Averages and Range

To identify what Z has retained from last week’s lesson

Games and quizzes

Maths quiz


Resource used Kahoot Game


Result: 33%

Chemistry Week 4

To identify what Z has retained from last week’s lesson

 Games and quizzesTo be able to identify what metals are reversible and irreversible

To be able to identify how metals are extracted