Withdrawn PolicyWithdrawn Centre Approval Policy MEaP Academy Community Training and Institute (MaCTRI)IntroductionContents Introduction The General Purpose REVIEW The GeneralConditions of Recognition recently introduced by Ofqual require all Awarding Organisations to have formal arrangements in place with centres and third parties.As an approved centre we have a policy in place to support learners in the event of centre or qualification approval being withdrawn by an Awarding Body.PurposeThis policy sets out how MACTRI aims to support learners in the event of centre or qualification approval being withdrawn by an Awarding Body.ProcessMACTRI will take all reasonable steps to protect the interests of Learners in the case of such a withdrawal.This will include: Taking all reasonable steps to prevent centre or qualification approval from being withdrawn.Cooperating fully with the Awarding Body in cases where either the centre or the Awarding Body decides it needs to withdraw the centre from its role in delivering a qualification.This co-operation will be provided whether the withdrawal is voluntary or via the application of sanctions.Taking reasonable steps to protect the interests of learners in the case of a withdrawal of a qualification from the centre to include:If withdrawal has been attributed to one Assessor only, then an alternative Assessor will be allocated to allow the learner to complete their qualification.If qualification approval has been withdrawn from the centre only then learners would be transferred to an alternative Training Provider in their local area to complete their qualification.The SFA would support in this matter.If qualification or centre approval has been withdrawn from the whole organisation then learners would be referred to an alternative Training Provider in their local area.REVIEW The effectiveness of this policy and associated arrangements will be reviewed annually under the direct supervision of the MaCTRI Head of Institute. Date: April 2022 Review Date: April 2023