MEaP trailblazes with receiving Manchester City Council’s new Accreditation Award, 1.5.19

Nov 27, 2020 | General MEaP News

mcc certificate

In response to a policy brief suggesting extra funding for addressing some of the issues raised in the Integrated Communities Green Paper, Manchester City Council (MCC) has received DfE funding to pilot their own accreditation scheme for supplementary schools. This scheme is also being closely watched by Bradford and Birmingham City Councils who are also interested in adopting this innovative new scheme.

Left to Right: Jan Bradbury (Manchester City Council), Amber Abisai (MEaP), Saida Hadriz (MEaP) and Maeen Pasha (MEaP)

MEaP Academy Twilight School is one of a handful of Greater Manchester supplementary schools to receive this inaugural award. The accreditation process consisted of multiple visits from Jan Bradburn (MCC) to talk to parents, teachers, pupils and teaching assistants about how the school implements its various policies in practice, as well as an in depth observation of teaching and learning within the school. Amber Abisai, MEaP Academy Twilight School Headteacher successfully coordinated the process and established the conditions for the school to proceed to the Higher Level Award.

Impact of Our Work

Here are some of the quotes and recommendations from our parents and pupils that came from Jan Bradburn’s visits:

I don’t feel the standard of mainstream is not what it should be and as a way of providing extra boost/support it was decided to enhance her education she should come here. She’s been here about 6 months. I heard about the Twilight School because my younger child attends Highway Hope. I think coming here is a real benefit to my daughter. (Parent)

This is something that will benefit me and I’ve noticed a real improvement in my school subjects. The atmosphere here (in the university building) has raised my aspirations. I really think this is benefiting me. (Young Person)

My daughter heard about this school through a friend at school. She has improved in all her subjects. I have noticed a real improvement in her attitude and I’ve been told by the teachers (at parents evening) she is doing really well. (Parent)

I can see the benefit of attending the Easter booster classes. Attending the University is more aspirational. I want to do a degree in Engineering. (Young Person)

I was worried when I got my 1st mock results: Science – fail, Maths – 4, English – 2

2nd mock results (after attending Twilight School): Science – 4, Maths – 5, English – 4

I’ve recommended the school to friends and they came. It’s time well spent and attending the university has raised my aspirations. (Young Person)

Friends told me about the Twilight School. I’m in Yr 11 and my sister’s in Yr 9. We both wanted to improve and I feel like I’m working harder in my mainstream school. Attending this school increases aspirations and I want to go on and study accounting, economics and business studies.

I want to study medicine and I’d recommend to all my friends if they are struggling (Yr 9 pupil) (Young People)


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