Mr Henry Ngawoofah

Mr Henry Ngawoofah

Mr Henry Ngawoofah is Head of MEaP Academy Skills4Life and is also co-founder Grace Incorporation Faith Trust (GIFT) a network of social enterprises that came together in order to build strategic partnerships and utilise resources to support local people into education and employment and self-employment. Henry leads our enterprise initiatives at MEaP. Achievements include setting up an Open Awards Accreditation Training Centre, Supplementary School and Life Long Learning Service, Mentoring and Mediation Service.  Henry has developed an accredited Business Enterprise Employability training (BEET) programme which supports those who are long-term unemployed to employment and self-employment.

Henry has a track record of designing bespoke training and capacity building programmes to help organisations to achieve nationally recognised accreditation, kite marks and quality assurance systems.  Key achievements includes successfully securing substantial funding bids on of behalf of Education and Social Enterprise programmes, to access statutory, trusts, Lottery and European funding.  As Director of MEaP, Henry continues to develop professionally and academically currently undertaking his Masters in Teaching and Learning at the Manchester Metropolitan University.