MSSP Q4 2022/2023 – Quarterly update June 2023 to August 2023

Jul 1, 2023 | MSSP Quarterly Updates

MSSP Q4 2022/2023 – Manchester Supplementary Schools Achievement Awards Celebration 2023

In this quarter Manchester City Council  celebrated the work of  members of Supplementary Schools across the city. On July 1st 2023 Manchester City Council collaborated with MSSP and the Growth Company to host a remarkable celebration event for all supplementary schools in Manchester. Supplementary school leaders, teachers, and pupils from across the city shared wonderful presentations from their cultures and received awards for their outstanding work for young people in the community.

A quote from Young Manchester relating what happened at the event

The event was a vibrant tapestry of cultures, languages, and educational excellence, showcasing the rich diversity of supplementary schools across Manchester. Exhibition stalls led by the schools themselves saw attendees immerse themselves in different experiences; from tantalizing Lithuanian delicacies like the mouthwatering Šakotis cake (made over a fire) to trying their hand at Mandarin or learning about Aesop’s Fables. The pinnacle of the day was the awe-inspiring awards ceremony, complete with captivating performances. We were honoured to have the Lord Mayoress deliver a captivating keynote speech, inspiring us all with her words of wisdom. 🎤🏆 Together, we created an unforgettable celebration of diversity, achievement & joy. We applaud all the supplementary schools for their tireless dedication to shaping bright futures and empowering our young learners.” (Written by Young Manchester)

Tutors and Staff Awards

Tutors and staff from attending schools won awards and certificates in four categories:

  1. Youth Voice and Children’s Rights Award
  2. Creative Teaching and Learning Award
  3. Community Partnerships

Awards won by our staff, organisation and the supplementary schools in our consortium

Some Supplementary School settings also achieved the Manchester City Council Foundation Award for Quality Standards in Safeguarding, including our very own consortium partner Nurturing Foundations who have robust and current policies and safety measures in place. MEaP is excited to announce its trailblazing achievement of securing the Manchester City Council ‘Higher Award’ for Quality Standards in Safeguarding. We are also proud of our English Teacher Ruth Shuttleworth, who deservingly received an award for Creative Teaching and Learning. We are also proud of our Director Henry Ngawoofah who received a Community Partnerships certificate; also our Director Amber Ambisai who was given a certificate celebrating her Youth Voice and Children’s Right contributions this year.

About the Manchester Supplementary Schools Partnership (MSSP)

MSSP is a network for supplementary schools based in Manchester that come together to share experience, learning and resources, and also advocate and celebrate the amazing work of the schools. The meetings are organised by Young Manchester, YPF- NRCSE and MEaP.
MSSP provides quarterly updates for the academic year spanning from September to August. This means that quarter one (Q1) would be September to December of the academic year. This post is the fourth quarterly update for the year 2022/23 (which spans June 2023 to August 2023).

Looking forward to more

MEaP, Young Manchester and YPF Trust – NRCSE are thrilled that this journey of collaboration and support for supplementary schools in Manchester has truly began. All participants are looking forward to the great things we can achieve together for our young people this year!

Find out more about or join the partnership

We have a dedicated Manchester Supplementary Schools Partnership (MSSP) page. On the page, you will be able to find out more about the partnership including the supplementary schools that make it up. You will also be able to use the dedicated form that will allow you to formulate your request join the partnership and register your school. On that page, you can also find out about all of our quarterly updates on the MSSP page. Click here to visit the Manchester Supplementary Schools Partnership (MSSP) page.