At MEaP Academy Skills4Life, we engage young people in activities designed to divert them away from the streets. Our aim is to stop or minimise anti-social behaviour, avoid barriers to life opportunities (such as teenage pregnancies) and assist young people in moving away from crime that is affecting our community. We also support unemployed people who are NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) ages 18 to 24, to help motivate and create vision and develop enterprise ideas in order to progress to employment.
During the current pandemic, we deliver our sessions online through our MEaP Academy Online School.
We focus on the following areas:
• Developing Interpersonal Skills
• Introduction to Self-Employment
• Building a Personal Career Portfolio
• Leadership and Team Building skills

• Mental and physical health
• Education
• Family sessions and youth counselling
Peer mentoring
Our Skills4Life offering also includes peer mentoring. This provision gives young people the opportunity to develop their interpersonal skills, increase their confidence and self-esteem, and become more proactive in the community. Our mentors provide the intensive support that enables young people to overcome personal and practical barriers to employment.
Community mentoring
and mediation service
Our integrated community mentoring and mediation service helps young people and their families to resolve conflict within the home and at school, by addressing issues that inhibit the family from functioning as a whole.
We train volunteers to become community mentors or mediators who can effectively employ restorative justice approaches within the home, school and community. Having established a localised, community support service, we help to promote and provide equality of opportunity for our young people.

Becoming a mentor
Our GIFT Volunteer Mentors Training Programme provides ongoing opportunities for volunteers who are willing to provide support to young people who are experiencing disadvantage in developing their education and career aspirations. GIFT currently has mentors drawn from the local community who have a diverse range of backgrounds. What they all have in common, though, is the ability and commitment to relate and respond to local needs. They bring a breadth of knowledge spanning employment, teaching, construction, social work, sport and arts.
Business Enterprise, Employment
and Training (BEET)
• How to use your life skills and experience to achieve your goals
• How to overcome peer pressure and stay focused
• How to overcome barriers that prevent you from achieving your goals
• How to deal with past disappointments and frustrations
MEaP equality and
diversity training
We currently offer two accredited Continuing Professional Development (CPD) training workshops.
An Introduction to Culturally Sensitive Equality and Diversity Training The objectives of this workshop include:
• Acquainting participants with the Equality Act 2010
• Exploring the interpretation of the Equality Act 2010 through a cultural lens
• Examining how a culturally sensitive interpretation of the Equality Act 2010 impacts organisational policy making
By the end of the training, participants will have gained an appreciation and understanding of:
• How culture and cultural difference can impact interpretation of the Equality Act 2010
• Culture as a dynamic and changing concept
• How to build cultural skills, knowledge, competence and culturally appropriate practice that encourage inclusive practice
An Introduction to Education for Global Citizenship The objectives of this workshop include:
• Acquainting participants with the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals
• Acquainting participants with Education for Global Citizenship teaching and learning
By the end of the training, participants will have gained an appreciation and understanding of how:
• Local cultural enquiry can impact the interpretation of Education for Global Citizenship to form the concept of ‘glocal’
• The UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals can underpin the use of Education for Global Citizenship in the classroom
• To embed Education for Global Citizenship in classroom/session planning and delivery

We are passionate about looking after our NEETs (Not in Education, Employment or Training) that can often feel as though they are our lost generation. We feel that developing LifeSkills for employment but also entrepreneurship is crucial especially for this moment. We are very proud to be able to offer work placement opportunities in our local community enterprises to our learners, helping them to get on their feet and fly.
Mr Henry Ngawoofah – Head of Skills4Life
Our Curriculum
We support unemployed people who are NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) ages 18 to 24, to help motivate and create vision and develop enterprise ideas in order to progress to employment. During this current pandemic we currently deliver our sessions online through our MEaP Academy Online School.
We focus on the following areas
• Developing Interpersonal Skills
• Introduction to Self-Employment
• Building a Personal Career Portfolio
• Leadership and Team Building skills
Term dates
Summer holiday
School closes: Wednesday 27 July 2022
School Holidays 2022/ 2023
School opens: Thursday 1 September 2022
Half term holiday
School closes: Friday 21 October 2022
School opens: Monday 31 October 2022
Christmas holiday
School closes: Friday 16 December 2022
School opens: Tuesday 3 January 2023
Half term holiday
School closes: Friday 17 February 2023
School opens: Monday 27 February 2023
Easter holiday
School closes: Friday 31 March 2023
School opens: Monday 17 April 2023
Bank holiday: School closes Monday 1 May 2023
Half term holiday
School closes: Friday 26 May 2023
School opens: Monday 5 June 2023
Summer holiday
School closes: Friday 21 July 2023

Please contact us for further details as we will put together a bespoke package for you.