Manchester Supplementary Schools Partnership (MSSP)

About MSSP
What is the MSSP?
The Manchester Supplementary School Partnership is a network of over 30 supplementary schools and out-of-school settings in Manchester. The Partnership was founded in 2022 to support and promote supplementary education in Manchester and the work of its supplementary schools and to advocate for the needs of their students.
The aim of MSSP
The Manchester Supplementary School Partnership works to exchange experience, share learning and resources, and to provide training and support to supplementary schools in Manchester. The Partnership also advocates for the needs of supplementary schools and their students, and works to promote the importance of supplementary education in the city.
Partnership administration
The Partnership is administered jointly by Young Manchester, Making Education a Priority (MEaP) and the YPF Trust’s National Resource Centre for Supplementary Education, working closely with Manchester City Council’s Safeguarding in Education Team.
Why Supplementary Schools?
The importance of Supplementary Education
What are supplementary schools?
Supplementary schools are community-run schools that provide additional education and support to children and young people outside of school hours. They play an important role in maintaining and promoting community languages and cultures, in providing a safe and supportive space for young people to acquire new skills, improve their grades, connect with their culture and community, learn and grow.
The Manchester Supplementary School Partnership is a valuable resource for supplementary schools and their students. It provides them with training, support, and a platform to advocate for their needs.
Manchester Supplementary Schools Partnership
Be A Part Of The MSSP (Form)
All form elements across are required, except for the last item.
MSSP Quaterly Updates & Partners’ News
Q1 (Sep-Nov) – Q2 (Dec-Feb) – Q3 (Mar-May) – Q4 (Jun-Aug)

MSSP Q1 2023/2024 – Quarterly Update Sept to Dec 2023
About the Manchester Supplementary Schools Partnership (MSSP) MSSP is a network for supplementary schools based in Manchester that come together to share experience, learning and resources, and also advocate and celebrate the amazing work of the schools. The meetings...

MSSP Q4 2022/2023 – Quarterly update June 2023 to August 2023
MSSP Q4 2022/2023 - Manchester Supplementary Schools Achievement Awards Celebration 2023 In this quarter Manchester City Council celebrated the work of members of Supplementary Schools across the city. On July 1st 2023 Manchester City Council collaborated with...

MSSP Q3 2022/2023 – Quarterly Update Mar 2023 to May 2023
MSSP Q3 2022/2023 (Quarterly update Mar to May 2023) School partners had the opportunity to join a social media training workshop in February, followed by a Creative Teaching and Leaning workshop (delivered by the Artis Foundation) for teachers and mentors in...

MSSP Q2 2022/2023 – Quarterly Update Dec 2022 to Feb 2023
About the Manchester Supplementary Schools Partnership (MSSP) MSSP is a network for supplementary schools based in Manchester that come together to share experience, learning and resources, and also advocate and celebrate the amazing work of the schools. The...