MaCTRI Apprenticeships Feedback Policy

MaCTRI Apprenticeships Feedback Policy
Review Date: tbc

Apprenticeships Feedback Policy Statement

MaCTRI Apprenticeships aims to continuously provide high quality services for all its clients, learners, funding partners and other stakeholders. As part of quality improvements, we welcome feedback on the services we provide, and do not require clients to wait to be contacted if they have a compliment about aspects of our service that they regard as outstanding. Where a client feels that our service falls below the standard they expect, they have a right to make a suggestion or complaint. MaCTRI Apprenticeships commits to responding and resolving all complaints within the specified time scales, to the best of its ability. Should a complainant not be satisfied with the resolution proposed, the complainant has a right to appeal to the Director of Training.

1. Purpose

1.1. To provide a clear and consistent framework for dealing with compliments, suggestions and complaints, from Internal and external clients of MaCTRI Apprenticeships, so that they can be monitored and reviewed to ensure continuous improvement.

2. Scope

2.1. This process covers all client led feedback initiated by internal and external clients. It does not cover feedback prompted by MaCTRI

Apprenticeships or the ESFA (Education Skills Funding Agency), or other such deliberately targeted surveys.

3. Responsibility

3.1. All staff are responsible for ensuring that they are aware of and follow all relevant policies and procedures.

3.2. Whoever receives the feedback is responsible for recording the initial detail in Client Led Feedback (CLF), assigning a reference number and setting up an electronic folder in Google Classroom to store documentation relating to the feedback.

3.3. The Recipient should forward compliment, suggestion or unresolved complaint to the relevant Programme Leader or Lecturer who will become the Owner. When the Recipient resolves the complaint on the same day, they are responsible for completing CLF and saving the documentation.

3.4. The Owner is responsible for investigating the complaint while updating both the Complainant, CLF and saving documentation until it has been resolved and closed.

3.5. MaCTRI is responsible for the central overview of complaints and for monitoring compliance with standards. This is administered by the Group Administration service, under leadership of the Group Administration Manager. MaCTRI Apprenticeships will provide the monthly data to the Director of Training for reporting to the Advisory Board.

3.6. Group Administration Manager has overview of compliments, suggestions and complaints, and will monitor these for emerging themes and learning points and report to the Advisory Board on key trends, via the Director of Training.

4. Definitions

4.1. Compliment – is an expression of satisfaction by a learner, employer or any stakeholder. It is an expression of gratitude or appreciation to staff for the quality of training and service provided.

4.2. Suggestion – is an idea relating to a possible improvement in the Client experience

4.3. Complaint – is any expression of dissatisfaction about action, or lack of action, or about the standard of service provided by, or on our behalf.

4.4. Recipient – anyone who receives any compliments, suggestions or complaints, and who are responsible for entering initial details in to the Client Led Feedback and alerting the appropriate Owner for resolution. The Owner is likely to be the Programme Leader or Lecturer.

4.5. Owner – will own the feedback until closed/resolved.

4.6. Complainant – person making the complaint=

5. Procedure

5.1. Most complaints can be resolved informally by discussing the issue with the member of staff who receives the complaint. Even if a complaint is resolved immediately, it should be logged in CLF, so that the information can be analysed, trended and improvement measures put in place as appropriate.

5.2. If a complaint is not resolved on the same day as it is raised by the Complainant, or if there is a complaint which is received in writing, it is deemed that there will be further investigation required.