Health and Safety Policy
Making Education a Priority (MEaP)
- 2. Health and Safety Policy Statement
- Arrangements
- 4.2 Co-operation and Care
- 4.3 Safety Training
- 4.4 The Learning Environment
- 4.5 Manual Handling Operations
- 4.6 Display Screen Equipment
- 4.7 Control of Hazardous Substances
- 4.8 Fire Safety
- 4.9 Accident and Incident Investigation and Reporting
- 4.10 Asbestos
- 4.11 Children and Vulnerable Adults
- 4.12 Stress Management
- 5. Review and Enquiries
- 6. Index of Supporting Safety Procedures
2. Health and Safety Policy Statement
It is the policy of the Making Education a Priority (MEaP), to comply with the terms of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and subsequent legislation, and to provide and maintain a healthy and safe working environment. The health and safety objective of MEAP is to minimise the number of instances of occupational accidents and illnesses and ultimately to achieve an accident-free workplace and learning environment.
MEaP fully supports the ‘safe learner’ concept and seeks to comply with this in respect of all our learning programmes. MEaP is also concerned with the Health and Safety needs of all employees and recognises that particular groups of employees (e.g. women and people with disabilities) may have particular Health and Safety needs. We have also in our Harassment policy recognised the potential Health and Safety implications of bullying at work.
MEaP shall provide the necessary resource and organisation to fulfil the requirements of the policy and MEaP’s management and governing body fully support its implementation.
All employees, volunteers and learners will be provided with such equipment, information, training and supervision necessary to implement the policy.
MEaP recognises and accepts the duty to protect the health and safety of all visitors to the organisation, including learners, contractors, temporary workers and volunteers, as well as any members of the public who might be affected by our operations.
While the management of MEaP will do all that is within its powers to ensure the health and safety of its employees and learners, it is recognised that health and safety at work is also the responsibility of each and every individual associated with MEaP. It is the duty of each employee, volunteer and learner to take reasonable care of his/her own and other people’s welfare and to report any situation which may pose a threat to the well being of any other person.
The management of MEaP will provide every employee with the training necessary to carry out their tasks safely and recognises that an effective health and safety programme requires continuous communication at all levels.
MEaP’s health and safety policy will be continually monitored and updated, particularly when changes in the scale and nature of our operations occur. It will be reviewed at least annually.
A copy of this statement has been signed by MEaP’s Chair of Director/Trustees and will be made widely available within MEaP.
3.1 Management Committee
MEaP is the main body of trustees and voluntary members governing the organisation. As such it has no direct control of day to day operations, but has a critical policy setting and monitoring role with regard to the management of health and safety within the organisation, which shall be reviewed at committee meetings. A member of the management committee shall act as Health and Safety Portfolio Holder and ensure appropriate scrutiny of arrangements and reporting on health and safety matters.
3.2 Chair of Directors
The Chair of Directors has overall responsibility for health and safety within MEaP and shall ensure the implementation of the policy throughout the organisation. They shall understand the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and its impact on MEaP.
3.3 Director of Resources
In addition to his operational duties the Project Manager shall act as the Health and Safety Co-ordinator and report to the Chair of Directors. Functional Directors all things pertaining to health and safety and shall:
- Keep Senior Management up to date on health and safety legislation.
- Act as MEaP focal point for liaison with local authorities, funders, emergency services and the Health and Safety Executive when required.
- Manage overall application of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and other legislation relevant to MEaP’s business, through the application of this Health and safety Policy and a Health and Safety Action Plan.
3.4 Health and Safety Advisor
The Health and Safety Advisor, (external), is responsible for providing MEaP Management with up to date Health and Safety advice in support of the efforts of the Project Manager. They shall also provide safety training when required and be available to investigate serious accidents, liaising with local authorities including Health and Safety Executive, (HSE), and Environmental Health Officer, (EHO).
3.5 Project Managers
Regional Managers in addition to their operational responsibilities shall ensure the health and safety of staff reporting to them and in particular:
- Report to the Chair of Directors matters of health and safety.
- Understand the application of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and other legislation relevant to MEaP’s business, through MEaP Health and Safety Policy.
- Ensure that learners are adequately supervised and not put at risk during their training programmes.
3.6 Employees/including Sessionally Paid Employees
Are responsible to their manager for operational duties and in addition shall:
- Understand the application of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and other legislation relevant to MEaP’s business, through MEaP Health and Safety Policy.
- Report any hazardous conditions to their manager or Safety Co-ordinator.
- Monitor health and safety standards within their area of responsibility.
3.9 Volunteers
- Understand the application of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and other legislation relevant to MEaP’s business, through MEaP Health and Safety Policy.
- Report any hazardous conditions through their branch or to a MEaP manager or the Regional Safety Co-ordinator.
3.10 Learners
All learners are responsible for complying with this Policy within the context of direction given by their course Tutor. In particular they shall:
- Report any hazardous conditions to their Tutor/Manager.
- Observe all safety rules at all times and refrain from intentionally misusing or recklessly interfering with anything provided for health and safety reasons.
- Wear appropriate safety equipment/protective clothing where necessary.
- Conform to all instructions given to them by their Tutor/Manager or others with responsibility for health and safety.
- Obtain First Aid for any injury sustained in the learning environment and ensure that it is recorded in the accident book.
3.11 Trade Union Health and Safety Representatives
It is the policy of MEaP to support the appointment of Health and Safety Representatives by the trade unions recognised by MEaP. The role of Trade Union Health and Safety Representatives will be in accordance with the Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations 1996 and such additional functions as may be agreed between MEaP and the recognised trade unions.
3.12 First Aiders
MEAP will provide appropriate training for employees appointed as First Aiders and agree with the recognised trade unions a payment, where appropriate, to these employees for these additional duties.
The cornerstone of MEaP’s Health and Safety arrangements will be to assess Health and Safety risks across all our operations and to take appropriate actions to minimise or mitigate these. Risk assessments shall be completed for all activities where there is significant risk to employees or learners according to defined procedures. Where necessary specific assessments shall be carried out, including:
- Manual Handling
- Display Screen Equipment
- Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
- Fire
- Specified Curriculum Areas, including where child protection issues need consideration
- Learning Accommodation
- Outdoor Activities
MEaP will seek in all instances to comply with relevant legislation including the following:-
- Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974
- Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations 1996
- Regulations governing noise at work
- Management of Health and Safety at Work regulations 1999
- Workplace (Health, Safety & Welfare) Regulations 1992
- Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1992
- Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992
- Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992
- Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992
- Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH)
- Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995
4.1 Communication
The management of MEaP will endeavour to communicate to employees their commitment to safety and to ensure that employees are familiar with the contents of MEaP health and safety policy. MEaP communicates with its employees orally, in the form of directions and statements from supervisors; in writing, in the form of directives and this policy statement; and by example. As part of its commitment to communication on health, a safety and welfare matter MEaP has established a First Class Health and Safety conference site.
4.2 Co-operation and Care
If we are to build and maintain a healthy and safe working environment, co-operation between workers at all levels is essential. All employees are expected to co-operate with managers and to accept their duties under this policy. Employees have a duty to take all reasonable steps to preserve and protect the health and safety of themselves and all other people affected by the operations of MEaP.
4.3 Safety Training
Safety training is regarded as an indispensable ingredient of an effective health and safety programme. It is essential that every worker in the organisation be trained to perform his or her job effectively and safely. This starts with Induction and continues as an employee’s career progresses.
All employees will be trained in safe working practices and procedures prior to being allocated any new role Training sessions will be held at regular intervals and will provide another opportunity for employees to express any fears or concerns they might have about the safety aspects of their jobs.
4.4 The Learning Environment
As part of MEaP’s commitment to creating a safe learner environment we have produced a detailed Guide for Tutors on this, which is updated and issued annually with contracts and we conduct a rigorous system of learner accommodation surveys, details of which are recorded on our management Information system.
4.5 Manual Handling Operations
Manual handling operations will be avoided as far as is reasonably practicable where there is a risk of injury. Where it is not possible to avoid manual handling operations an assessment of the operation will be made taking into account the task, the load, the working environment and the capability of the individual concerned. An assessment will be reviewed if there is any reason to suspect that it is no longer valid. All possible steps will be taken to reduce the risk of injury to the lowest level possible.
4.6 Display Screen Equipment
MEaP will conduct health and safety assessments of all workstations staffed by employees who use VDU screens as part of their usual work or where such screens are used for learning. The risks to users of VDU screens will be reduced to the lowest extent reasonably practicable. VDU screen users will be allowed periodic breaks in their work. Eyesight tests will be provided for VDU screen users on request. Where necessary MEaP will contribute to the cost of necessary corrective equipment, such as glasses or contact lenses in line with the Display Screen Equipment Policy. All VDU screen users will be given appropriate and adequate training on the health and safety aspects of this type of work and will be given further training and information whenever the organisation of the workstation is substantially modified.
4.7 Control of Hazardous Substances
A risk assessment will be conducted of all work involving exposure to hazardous substances. The assessment will be based on manufacturers’ and suppliers’ health and safety guidance and our own knowledge of the work process. MEaP will ensure that exposure of workers to hazardous substances is minimised and adequately controlled in all cases. All workers who will come into contact with hazardous substances will receive training and information on the health and safety issues relating to that type of work. Assessments will be reviewed periodically, whenever there is a substantial modification to the work process and if there is any reason to suspect that the assessment may no longer be valid.
4.8 Fire Safety
MEaP’s fire safety policy and procedures take account of special fire hazards in specific areas of the workplace and, where appropriate, have been compiled with the assistance of the local fire service. The person with responsibility for ensuring the maintenance and testing of fire alarms and firefighting equipment is the Safety Co-ordinator. In the event of the building being leased or multi-occupancy the landlord shall have responsibility for firefighting equipment. All employees within MEaP have a duty to report immediately any fire, smoke or potential fire hazards to their manager, and to operate the fire alarm. A member of staff shall be nominated to phone the Fire Brigade by dialling 999. Employees have a duty to conduct their operations in such a way as to minimise the risk of fire. This involves taking care when smoking, keeping combustible materials separate from sources of ignition and avoiding unnecessary accumulation of combustible materials.
4.8.1 Fire Detection equipment
Smoke detectors and manually operated fire alarms are located at strategic points throughout the workplace. If a smoke detector sounds it is the responsibility of any employee present to activate the alarm and evacuate the building.
4.8.2 Fire Fighting Equipment
Fire extinguishers are located at strategic points throughout the workplace. Employees are expected to tackle a fire themselves only if trained and it would pose no threat to their personal safety to do so. If the situation is dangerous or potentially dangerous the employee should activate the alarm and evacuate the building immediately.
4.8.3 Fire Doors
Fire doors designed to slow the spread of fire and smoke throughout the workplace have been installed at strategic points. Fire doors are to be kept closed at all times.
4.8.4 Fire Exits
Fire exits are located at strategic points throughout the workplace. Exit doors and corridors must never be locked, blocked or used as storage space. Emergency lighting has been installed in exit corridors, above emergency exit doors and throughout the workplace in case of power failure.
4.8.5 Smoking
Smoking is prohibited in all areas of the workplace except those areas that have been specifically designated as smoking areas. Smoking areas should at all times be kept fire safe. Combustible materials must never be stored or allowed to accumulate in areas where smoking is permitted.
4.8.6 Emergency Evacuation Procedure
In the event of the fire alarm being activated, or in any other emergency situation (such as a bomb scare), all employees must leave the building by the nearest available exit and assemble at the designated assembly point.
Practice fire drills will be conducted at regular intervals, at least 6 monthly, to ensure employee familiarity with emergency evacuation procedures.
4.9 Accident and Incident Investigation and Reporting
MEAP see accident investigation as a valuable tool in the prevention of future incidents. In the event of an accident resulting in injury a report will be drawn up by the Safety Co-ordinator detailing:
- the circumstances of the accident including photographs and diagrams wherever possible
- the nature and severity of the injury sustained
- the identity of any eyewitnesses
- the time, date and location of the incident
- the date of the report
The Safety Co-ordinator responsible for reporting all cases of accident and disease to the Chair of Directors. Accident records are compiled and stored by the Regional Safety Co-ordinator. The Chair of Directors is responsible for reporting cases of accident and disease to the relevant enforcing authority under the RIDDOR 95 regulations where applicable.
4.10 Asbestos
In accordance with the ‘Control of Asbestos at Work’ Regulations 2002 the likelihood of asbestos in MEaP buildings is considered low but shall be checked prior to any maintenance. If during maintenance any concerns are raised of the possibility of asbestos being present a survey shall be carried out.
In the Offices/Buildings leased or rented a check shall be made with the landlord to confirm whether or not asbestos is present and if it is, that it is being managed effectively and represents no risk to MEAP employees or learners.
4.11 Children and Vulnerable Adults
Some MEaP courses are targeted at or attract numbers of children or vulnerable adults. The organisation takes seriously its responsibilities for child protection and protection of vulnerable adults and has policies in respect of each of these. They form part of the Human Resources Policy suite and are referenced in the risk assessment procedure.
4.12 Stress Management
MEaP is committed to protecting the health, safety and welfare of our employees and recognises that workplace stress is a health and safety issue, and acknowledges the importance of identifying and reducing workplace stressors.
5. Review and Enquiries
The Chair of Directors is responsible for maintenance, regular review and updating of this policy. The Management Committee will be consulted on any changes.
Any queries on the application or interpretation of this policy must be discussed with the Chair of Directors prior to any action being taken.
6. Index of Supporting Safety Procedures
02 Risk Assessment
03 Accident Reporting and Investigation
04 Fire and Emergency Planning
05 Office Safety
06 Display Screen Equipment
07 Manual Handling
09 New Premises Safety Checklist
010 Outdoor Activities Assessment
011 Health and Safety and Home Working
012 Driving on MEaP Business
013 Lone Working
014 Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
015 COVID-19 Risk Assessment
Signed: MEaP Board
Date: 10th February 2023
Review Date: February 2024