Access to Fair Assessment Policy

Access to Fair Assessment Policy

Statement of Access to Fair Assessment Policy:

Each learner taking a programme at MACTRI will be assessed fairly. This means that:

  • Assessment will be a test of the learner’s knowledge, what they understand, and what they are able to do
  • Each learner will be assessed using the same overall set of exercises and criteria for each learning programme.
  • Assessments will be standardised across different Tutors and classes to ensure that all learners have been judged against the same standards. Assessors will adhere to the assessment criteria stated in the unit descriptors.
  • Summative assessment is the process of making judgements about the evidence presented to meet the assessment criteria and a judgement about the learner’s achievement
  • Internal verification and standardisation are carried out according to centre procedures In addition, learners can expect:
  • The level of the unit will be appropriate for the learner
  • An assignment schedule at the beginning of a learning programme  Appropriate assessment opportunities during the learning programme
  • Learning outcomes, performance criteria and other significant elements of learning and assessment will be made clear at the outset of a learning programme and when assignments are given
  • Learners will receive a copy of the unit
  • Learners will be made aware of the evidence required to meet the assessment criteria

Learners will be made aware of the timescale available to complete the unit

  • All work will be assessed. Formative assessment will be provided for learners with constructive feedback on their progress and indicating how improvements can be made.

April 2022

  • Feedback to learners will be appropriate to their learning needs (for example, verbal or written feedback) and will be documented
  • Learners will be given the opportunity to act on their feedback and to make changes or additions to their work
  • When work is required to be marked, it will be carried out within 2 weeks of submission by the learner
  • Where a learner’s work does not satisfy the criteria for passing an assessment, in whole or in part, they will be provided with clear feedback on the basis on which the assessment was made
  • Learners will gain full accreditation for all prior learning on production of required paperwork
  • Learners will not be limited to how many times they may take a learning programme  Reasonable adjustments will be used appropriately with learners

What MACTRI expects from Learners

  • Learners are expected to meet all deadlines for course work and assignments
  • Learners are expected to achieve the assessment criteria within the given timescale  All work submitted for assessment purposes must be the learner’s own. Any work submitted that is not completely their own, will be regarded as cheating or plagiarism.
  • Submissions must not include any discriminatory or divisive language. Use of such language will result in failure of the assessment and the possibility of disciplinary action
  • Submitted assignments remain the property of MACTRI and will only be returned to the learner at the discretion of MACTRI and then only after the verification process has taken place
  • Learners are expected to inform MACTRI of any expected periods of absence

Cheating and Plagiarism

A fair assessment of a learners work can only be made if that work is entirely the learners own. Therefore learners can expect to fail their assessments if:

  • They are found guilty of copying, giving or sharing information or answers, unless part of a joint project  They use an unauthorised aid during a test or examination
  • They copy another learner’s answer during a test or examination
  • They talk during a test or examination
  • They give test information to learners who have not yet taken the test Where a Tutor suspects cheating or plagiarism, they must make an assessment as to the seriousness of the incident. If it is considered to be a minor infringement then the Tutor may:

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  • Deal with the matter and provide help and guidance to the learner, or
  • Issue a warning about future conduct, or
  • Direct the learner to the Cheating and Plagiarism section of the Fair Assessment Policy

If the incident is considered to be a major infringement, then the Tutor will:

  • Report the matter to the Director and arrange a disciplinary hearing
  • Review the assessment policy with the learner concerned; inform them of the disciplinary hearing, and also of their right to appeal
  • Attend the disciplinary hearing with the learner The Director will listen to evidence from the learner and the Tutor, and will take into account whether this is an internal or external assessment or examination. For an internal assessment the Director should:
  • Refuse to accept the assignment and ask for the work to be redone  Issue a written warning as to future conduct of the learner
  • Strongly impress on the learner the reasons for having a Fair Assessment Policy The decision of the Director will be final, subject to appeal.

Procedure for appeals by learners

If a learner undergoing a portfolio assessment programme feels that they have not been assessed or disciplined fairly then they should use the Appeals & Complaints Procedure to appeal against the assessment or disciplinary decision. If a learner undergoing an examination-based learning programme, feels that they have not been assessed fairly, then they are to contact their Tutor who will make the appropriate arrangements which may include liaising with Open Awards.

The effectiveness of this policy and associated arrangements will be reviewed annually under the direct supervision of the MEaP Head of the Institute.
Date: April 2022
Review Date: April 2023